
Saturday 28 March 2009

Review of AKS 2.0

HiSoftware and Microsoft release AKS 2.0 for SharePoint Mark Peters' Blog

The latest release of the Accessibility kit for SharePoint has been released today. AKS v2.0 introduces updates that allow MOSS users to create and implement sites that conform to the WCAG 2.0 Level AA candidate recommendation in the United States. This is done through a series of updated and or different Master Pages, CSS and Control Adapters provided in AKS v2.0.

One of the many benefits to this kit is the web part zone smart control adapter that modifies the output of SharePoint so that it does not use tables for layout of the Web parts, it uses divs instead! This will greatly help all MOSS developers to get away from those nasty nested tables within the Master pages and start to use a nice layout using divs. (my comment, I think all MOSS projects should think about using this!)

The Accessibility Kit for SharePoint can be downloaded from the HiSoftware website.

We have an internal MOSS project here at EMC Consulting/EMC Conchango and will be testing the new kit out soon, so expect some updates on its performance in the future.